Cremation Metal Recycling
CrownMen Dental Scrap Refining - Cremation Metal Recycling
Recycling Cremation Metal Helps The Environment by Avoiding the Placment of Heavy Metals In Unsafe Environments or Burying Them, which could be a violation of EPA Regulatory Code
The Most Trusted Name Serving Dental Professionals Since 1932 Founded By James Abboud WWI Veteran Highest and Fastest Payout
Cremation Metal Refining and Recycling
We will refine unmarked noble and cremation metals, you can even donate the proceeds to a
local charity in your community.
We suggest that you schedule a pick up with Crown Men. Call Us (402)
290-9000 or Visit our website CrownMen.
It is a good choice to refine your Scrap using our Crown Men Cremation Metal Refining
Not only will you be helping our planet you will be benefiting your community and each time
you process.
Crownmen is the right choice when it comes to Cremation Metal Refining and recycling.
Cremation Metal Recycling Video
Cremation Metal Recycling Image

Benefits Cremation Metal Recycling
1. Getting Paid or Grant a Donation of Proceeds Within 72 hours from receipt.
2. Fastest Payout In The Industry
3. Highest Payout In the Industry
4. Free Pick Up & Delivery
5. Same Day Pickup
6. Detailed Assay Statement
7. Great Customer Service
The Refining Process
Our Location
Get in Touch
We are experts in processing all PFM' & PFG's. Get paid to recycle your dental and cremation metals. Call today and schedule your pickup. (402) 290-9000
We look forward to working with you!