CrownMen Dental Scrap Refining - Promotion
A special Gift for first time processors when processing a minimum of 200 crowns
The Most Trusted Name Serving Dental Professionals Since 1932 Founded By James Abboud WWI Veteran Highest and Fastest Payout
Promotion Currently Running
100 crowns = Apple iPod Shuffle [NO LONGER AVAILABLE]
200 crowns = Apple iPod Nano
225 crowns = Apple iPod Touch
275 crowns = Apple iPod Classic
450 crowns = Apple iPad
1200 crowns = Apple MacBook Air
1500 crowns = Apple MacBook Pro
Dental Crown Defined:
✓each porcelain fused to metal crown shall count as 1
✓each bridge depending on the number of teeth in the bridge that are made with metal shall
count based on the number of teeth in the bridge.
✓each cap/crown attached to a tooth shall count as 1
✓each cap/crown unattached to a tooth shall count as 1
✓ If it is not metal it will not count. Often times most dental practitioners are red
bagging these porcelain fused to metal caps. Please recycle them and in addition to
receiving the free gift you will be paid for the reclaimed nobel metals.
All gift items are brand new, in the box with warranty and subject to availability. Please
inquire as to availability due to the high demand during this special offering.
Benefits Dental Scrap Gold Refining
1. Getting Paid Within 72 hours from receipt.
2. Fastest Payout In The Industry
3. Highest Payout In the Industry
4. Free Pick Up & Delivery
5. Same Day Pickup
6. Detailed Assay Statement
7. Great Customer Service
The Refining Process
Our Location
Get in Touch
We are experts in processing all PFM' & PFG's. Get paid to recycle your dental metals. Call today and schedule your pickup. (402) 290-9000
We look forward to working with you!